The technology depicted in Daemon and FreedomTM may seem like science fiction, but it actually exists . . .
The Pentagon has set a goal of having 30% of its truck fleet unmanned by the year 2015. This 130-mile unmanned vehicle race shows just how far the technology has advanced.
Here are some photos I took at Darpa's 2007 Urban Grand Challenge Autonomous Vehicle Competition in Victorville, California..
Sound production without speakers can make voices appear in mid-air or direct sound to single individuals.
Laser light at specific frequencies can act as a virtual wire to conduct electricity -- making possible portable beam weapons able to deliver a lethal electrical charge.
Handheld weapons with no moving parts capable of firing thousands of rounds per second.
Sub-sonic sound can quell riots or be elevated to lethal weaponry.
VR systems are now routinely employed in call centers the world over. Computers now understand human speech in many languages.
A third industrial revolution is now underway, and it might someday shift the balance of power in the global economy.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging can do more than detect deception in human subjects -- it can read their minds.
Virus authors are storing their work in sophisticated, undetectable wrappers that don't run under your OS -- your OS runs on them.
Sheer thickening liquids can transform almost instantly from a flexible form to a rigid solid.
Heads up display glasses would not be necessary for viewing objects in virtual space with these lenses.
New technologies permit grafting electronic diodes directly into visual receptors in the brain.
Hydrogen is formed inside mineral grains when molten rock cools below 600 degrees centigrade -- in large volumes of igneous and metamorphic rock that form Earth’s continents, every mineral grain could be a potential source of hydrogen.
Large investments are being made to automate the task of monitoring human populations in close detail.
Imagery from networked, digital surveillance cameras could be modified in real-time...redacting people and objects and essentially rendering them useless (go to :30 mark in video for an example).
American defense companies have created all-electronic lasers capable of breaking the 100KW power barrier needed for warspace utility. These devices need only electricity and can lase for minutes at a time.